Photo by me.

I’m independent and motivated. I get work done and I pay attention to the details. I’ve always been able to juggle several tasks at once, manage my time efficiently and adapt quickly to change. I focus on what is important and I don’t worry about the rest. I enjoy writing and finding new ways to communicate.

As a wife and mom of two active girls, I’m finding a balance that allows me to continue my career while enjoying quality time with my family. 


Named after anyone? Yes, Vanessa Williams

Would you bungee jump?  Not a chance

Favorite big city? Chicago

What is your favorite ice cream?  Pistachio

Where were you born? Burbank, CA

Do you have pets? Two pups, Lady & Chloe

Mountains or Beach?  Beach

Siblings? 4 brothers, 2 sisters

Summer or Winter? Neither, I prefer Fall temps

Favorite Christmas song? Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

Can you whistle? Sadly, no...however, my husband  is an excellent whistler

Favorite day of the week? Saturday